The research:
Within the framework of GRAVITES, we want to demonstrate the interaction between maximally path-entangled quantum states and the Earth's local gravitational field and thus test for the first time whether quantum entanglement follows the rules of Einstein’s general relativity. To achieve this, we will build an extremely sensitive large-scale fibre-optic interferometer in a joint project with the LIGO group at MIT and theoreticians from LMU Munich and the University of Vienna.
The group:
The research group led by Prof. Philip Walther is located at the University of Vienna and has a long successful record of quantum experiments using entangled photons. The group is using single-photon quantum-dot sources and spontaneous parametric down-conversion for the generation of entangled (multi-) photon states, together with integrated quantum photonics and high-efficient superconducting nanowire technology for efficient control and detection of photons, respectively.
The candidates:
The offered PhD and PostDoc positions cover a broad range of directions within the GRAVITES project, ranging from the stabilization of large-scale fiber interferometers to precise control of photonic quantum entanglement to precision measurements using low-noise detection units.
We welcome applications from candidates with excellent academic record in one or more of the following areas: experimental quantum metrology, quantum sensing, quantum engineering, quantum optics, as well as superconducting detectors, quantum dot photon sources, cryogenics or electrical engineering.
In addition, experience in quantum foundations, general relativity or quantum theory is highly appreciated. Interest in collaborations with US and European research groups is expected.
Application process
Please submit your application via e-mail to as one single PDF document,
• a letter of motivation (no more than one page)
• CV (indicating your contact information, work history, list of publications, knowledge areas of physics and engineering, experimental skills, language skills, university degrees and grades, honors and awards),
• contact details of two possible referees.
Contact details:
For further information contact Prof. Philip Walther ( and Dr. Christopher Hilweg (
Open PhD & PostDoc Positions