Nearly Edge on Silhouette Disks From the FLAMINGOS Molecular Cloud Survey

R. J. Elston, E. A. Lada, J. Alves, B. Ferreira, C. J. Lada, J. Levine, A. A. Muench, S. N. Raines, N. Rashkind, C. Roman

It has been found that circumstellar disks are ubiquitous around young

stars in the process of formation. Not only are such disks crucial for

the processes of star formation, but they are also the sites of planet

formation. To constrain theories of star and planet formation one would

like to know the properties of these circumstellar disks (i.e. mass,

size, temperature, accretion rate, etc). Nearly edge on silhouette disks

provide the opportunity to model the properties of these circumstellar

disks in detail. Here, we present a catalog of nearly edge on silhouette

disks from our NOAO survey "Toward a Complete Near-Infrared

Spectroscopic and Imaging Survey of Giant Molecular Clouds". These disks

were found in K-band (2.3μ m) images of the Orion-B and Perseus

molecular clouds. The discovery of these disks significantly increases

the number of such disks currently known. We acknowledge the support

from NSF Grant AST 0204976 to the University of Florida.

Department of Astrophysics
External organisation(s)
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, University of South Florida, Joint ALMA Observatory, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
103004 Astrophysics
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