Absolute Absorption Cross Sections from Photon Recoil in a Matter-Wave Interferometer
- Author(s)
- Sandra Eibenberger, Xiaxi Cheng, J. P. Cotter, Markus Arndt
- Abstract
We measure the absolute absorption cross section of molecules using a matter-wave interferometer. A nanostructured density distribution is imprinted onto a dilute molecular beam through quantum interference. As the beam crosses the light field of a probe laser some molecules will absorb a single photon. These absorption events impart a momentum recoil which shifts the position of the molecule relative to the unperturbed beam. Averaging over the shifted and unshifted components within the beam leads to a reduction of the fringe visibility, enabling the absolute absorption cross section to be extracted with high accuracy. This technique is independent of the molecular density, it is minimally invasive and successfully eliminates many problems related to photon cycling, state mixing, photobleaching, photoinduced heating, fragmentation, and ionization. It can therefore be extended to a wide variety of neutral molecules, clusters, and nanoparticles.
- Organisation(s)
- Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- Journal
- Physical Review Letters
- Volume
- 112
- No. of pages
- 5
- 0031-9007
- https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.250402
- Publication date
- 06-2014
- Peer reviewed
- Yes
- Austrian Fields of Science 2012
- 103026 Quantum optics
- Keywords
- Portal url
- https://ucrisportal.univie.ac.at/en/publications/8bb088fa-7fbc-4608-a23a-6d66c1586a5a